I'm back from my birthday celebration/vacation and back to business. I met with Prof. Graham. I told him I am solving the equations using the symbolic solver. He stated there is an easier way. For the nucleation and growth section under homogeneous precipitation I can use the cumsum command, which I implemented. So that is one section changed.
Next for the growth and coarsening part under homogeneous precipitation he stated I use the ode solver, which I have never used before. I'm using The Intro to MATLAB for Engineers to help me with the ode solver. I've started to input that into the code and so far so good. I'm not sure if I need to separate variables to use the ode, but Prof.Graham stated that I need to; therefore, I am trying to separate the variables of the equations first. I'm having a bit of difficulty, but I'm sure that's from not using my brain for the past 2 months.
Lastly, I am getting the computer I use in the lab updated, so new windows, MATLAB (which is essential), FEMAP etc. I'm really excited because everyone in the lab either got new computers or got it updated and mine never got updated. I decided to get it done before school starts, which I think is a good idea. Especially if other students may need it.
Anyway, I will be returning tomorrow morning to continue this work.
"Being a scientist means living on the borderline between your competence and your incompetence. If you always feel competent, you aren't doing your job." --- Carlos Bustamante
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